CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Aaron Leyte, Leisure Services Manager

Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in America! This fun sport combines the skills of tennis, badminton and ping pong into a fast-paced court game which is played on a smaller tennis court with a modified net. Scoring in this game can only be done by the serving team. Both players get the opportunity to serve and score points for their team before the service changes teams. Pickleball games are played to 11 points traditionally and a team must win by two points. Tournaments may be played to 15 or 21 points to extend the length of the game, but teams must still win by two points to win the game. This sport is a great way to get active and have fun with people in your Community!

The City of Cape Canaveral will be hosting the 1st Annual Space Coast Paddle Battle, a pickleball tournament for beginner and intermediate skill level players. The tournament is limited to the first 16 mixed double teams to register. Registration is $25 per team which includes entry to the tournament, a commemorative t-shirt and lunch for each player. This single elimination tournament is open to all players 18 years of age or older.

To register for this tournament, please call the City of Cape Canaveral’s Leisure Services Department at 321-868-1226 or visit the Nancy Hanson Recreation Complex located at 7300 N. Atlantic Avenue in Cape Canaveral.